If you have trees that should be moved because they are either getting too large for their location or too close to your house, now is the time to start planning that move. It should happen within the next two months according to a paper from Washington State University.
We have about a dozen trees that need to be moved this year, or they’ll get too large to move at all.
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This is definately a good idea.
If the tree is to close it can affect your foundation or pipes coming or going from the house. It can cause leaves and needles to fall on house causing mold and wetness to lay and clog gutters.
If you have a septic system it can cause a problem.
You should have them check professional by a tree service for decay. I had a tree that looked great and was hollow inside. I had it taken down months the Hurricanes came up the coast. I feel certain the one would have landed on my home if I had not moved it. Routine pruning is necessary to aid in not extending over the house.
The good thing is we need the trees they also help reduce the sun on the house and use lower energy bills. They give us a cool place to rest instead of running a/c in Spring and Fall.