Sally Bagshaw’s BIG IDEA in this morning’s edition of the Seattle Times: to house the homeless in tiny new houses to be built in 7 different districts of Seattle is THE worst idea yet. Yes, Seattle has a problem, and it is chronic. As with any illness, repeated attempts to treat symptoms usually offers little relief. Real healing does not occur …
Watch This, Then Tell Me Zillow is a Good Idea.
[“Their stock has been doing very poorly of late, down from $125/share one year ago to about $16.50/share today.”] If this doesn’t scare the heck out of you, nothing will. The unparalleled concentration of wealth is accompanied by: domestic legislative power/influence international and domestic control of financial markets control of information/data distribution Together this represents too much control in the …
Anonymous Complaints aka When Our Government Empowers Whiners
Depending on the business that you are in, at some point in your career you may hear from your employer, “we’ve had an anonymous complaint”. Chances are your employer heard from a State or County government agency, who in turn is “processing” an anonymous complaint. Let’s think about this for a moment. What comes to mind when you envision an …